pondělí 5. října 2009

Post-break-up remedies

When somebody you love breaks up with you it always hurts. But what do you do, when you cannot be angry at that person(or anyone else for that matter), you lose the ability to cry after few days, you simply do not know, how to deal with all the emotions that are deep inside of you? Staying in and eating ice cream(in my case substituted with vinegar crisps) did not work and going out, drinking heavily and partying did not help either. SO what now? Being this deeply sad is exhausting me and I certainly cannot carry on with this insomniac lifestyle..

2 komentáře:

Radushi řekl(a)...

well, hard to say... time cures all.
tried both the options as well and didnt reach anything. the best is to stare concentrating on oneself, trying out new stuff etc.. sounds like cliche but sort of works;)

K řekl(a)...

Sort of works for me too. But the improvement is so slow:-(