pondělí 31. října 2011

Balancing 2 jobs, lectures, bachelor´s thesis and an eye infection can be a little difficult (and time consuming) especially if you are trying to have a social life (trying being the operative word there). One really appreciates the extra hour that she gets because of the time change (summer time as a concept is still a dumb idea though).
The stress is getting to me. I have had terrible case of insomnia last night after quite a while of insomnia-free existence.
On the plus side, I am really looking forward to going to work tomorrow morning, weird, huh?

sobota 29. října 2011


Měli jste nějaký zlozvyk. Snažili jste se z něj vyléčit. Jakš takš se vám to podařilo, i když asi ne úplně. Jenže v mezičase ho od vás někdo chytil. A teď pokaždé, když se potkáte, zjišťujete, jak strašně otravný ten váš zlozvyk je. Na jednu stranu nic vám nepomůže se ze zlozvyku vyléčit rychleji a definitivněji, než když to vidíte na někom jiném. Na druhou stranu teď budete pořád trestáni za to, že jste si ten zlozvyk vůbec vytvořili, jeho otravnou přítomností v někom jiném.

úterý 18. října 2011

Headed to the World of Corporate Culture

Getting a job at X as a receptionist, I realized that there is an exciting(?) new world for me to enter. The world of corporate culture, starting with the dress code. I now belong into the tiny percentage of people who have to wear suits for work. (9% in the US, it is probably even less in the Czech republic.)
But when I finally thought about it, I found that I have no suitable clothing for the "business formal" (Mo-Th) and that my most formal wear can only be used for "casual Friday". Not to mention that I found out that I lost weight in the worst way possible - by realizing that even the smallest sizes won´t fit (later confirmed by the scales). Since jackets and other formalwear is usually not sold in the kid´s sizes, I am probably doomed.

Vstupní prohlídka u doktora:
"Tak se svlékněte, vlastně, počkejte, nejdřív vám změřím tlak."
Doktor provede měření
"Všechno dobré, ale ten tep máte nějak strašně zrychlený, vy se mě bojíte?"
"Ne, já se jen stydím svlékat před cizím mužem."

čtvrtek 6. října 2011

Job Hunting

I have really not picked the best time to look for a job. It is hard to get an interview(for one to screw up), let alone a paying job.
After more-than-an-hour-long interview at X(US consulting firm) for a receptionist job, I feel like the HR person knows me better than my mother(which is actually not that shocking, my mum just gave me a velvet scrunchie and expects me to wear it). It seems that when X hires a receptionist they need to thoroughly explore her values, opinions, hobbies, not only past job experience but also completely unrelated experiences, priorities in life, possible carreer aspirations etc. All the hard questions that I have not really dealt with just yet, being asked within the span of one hour. It probably wasn´t the brightest idea not to have the perfect rehearsed answers ready.
Guess I´ll just have to continue looking while I figure out who I wanna be when I grow up.

Well, I got the job, so I must have done something right. Still find it funny though that for a receptionist position, you need to go on a long and very thorough interview to be even considered.