pátek 17. prosince 2010

On gold diggers or what happened to me a month ago..

When on a date with a foreigner one gets all sorts of weird comments. Czech people feel like when the person is not able to understand them, they can say whatever they want. Anything goes. But what really got me was the following situation.
We were sitting at a table with his friends(American and Spanish) and their Czech/Slovak girlfriends. What surprised me was the fact that the girlfriends spoke in Czech/Slovak only, did not even bother to try to be a part of the general conversation. And what they discussed struck me even more - they were stating their reasons for hanging out with Americans - possibly getting a green card, going on fancy dates, having a rich boyfriend(they presumed that any American is rich), getting English lessons for free etc. None of them even mentioned actually liking the guy. One girl used to go out with one American and when they broke up she found another one to go out with. Not because he was handsome, intelligent and/or funny, but because he was from the States.
I didn´t get it at all and I had not been more ashamed of my fellow Czechs in a long long time..

středa 15. prosince 2010

What should a relationship look like?
Weird, that I should even be asking that question. I should have that all figured out by now, right? But I don´t. Is the relationship supposed to make you feel relaxed, make you not worry about anything, make you be able to not think and just enjoy yourself? And is it enough if you´re getting all that without feeling deeper emotional connection, without really getting to know the person and the person getting to know you, without feeling that tiny little bit of admiration that you need to be able to love that person?
Which makes me wonder about the need to define a relationship. What if you realize that you no longer need or even want to know the label that fits best? Because you don´t want it to be a relationship anymore and at the same time you don´t want to be the slut that does not need the thing to be exclusive or is not able to make the man make the commitment. I would call that the trap of modern times. It is no longer considered immoral to be casual but people will still judge you and think less of you if you do that.

pátek 10. prosince 2010

Debata mě naučila, že definice jsou zcela zásadní. Ať už člověk začíná cokoliv, měl by se ujistit, že je všem zúčastněným jasné, co jednotlivé pojmy znamenají, co je co. Jasné definice často působí v debatě problém, jeden má pocit, že význam je jiný, než jak ho bere druhý.. Ve vědecké práci, v debatě a u spousty dalších věcí je i proto potřeba udělat ve věcech jasno a nastavená pravidla k tomu ve své podstatě každého nutí. Kéž by to pokaždé bylo tak jednoduché.

neděle 5. prosince 2010

Sníh ve městě?

Spousta lidí nemá rádo sníh ve městě, především asi proto, že se mění ve břečku rychlostí blesku. Když se ale zadaří a zároveň se sněžením příjde ochlazení, sníh netaje, netvoří se mokrá břečka, ale spíš hromady sněhu, kterými se je potřeba brodit. Na domech, stromech a všude okolo zůstává krásný sněhový koberec, jako v nějaké zimní pohádce. And I just can´t get enough!