čtvrtek 24. listopadu 2011


Since the headphones connector on my cell stopped working properly a while ago, I have gone back to books (when travelling). Not only have I finished one book, I am almost done with another. It was nice to be reminded of how much I love reading.

A partially related thought:
"When she´d made up her mind about somebody, it was the height of boredom to wait for the man to seduce her." (A Widow For One Year, John Irving)

If the woman would have decided not to wait for the man to seduce her, had she decided to seduce him, to him she would no longer be even worth seducing (of course that would not change the fact that he would sleep with her).
I have gotten used to the fact that sometimes there is nothing that could be done about the way things work. You just have to accept it. Does not mean that I think it is reasonable or logical.

Love the quote.

úterý 22. listopadu 2011

Emo evening

I am jealous of songs. They are able to say I love you without hesitation or regret. Always sharing the emotion to the fullest. I can´t do that. I was able to say I love you only once. In a past tense. Drunk. Late at night. When I (probably) did not feel that way anymore. Why is it so easy for singers to sing I love you songs, singing I miss you, I will never get over you or even I hate you, I wish you were never born etc.? I have never been able to share emotions so raw so openly. Maybe I have never loved enough or maybe I have never been in the right relationship. Or maybe it is just who I am. Someone unable to say I love you.

pátek 18. listopadu 2011


I lost my sushi virginity today. I had great sushi (for lunch and dinner) and I tried everything - nigiri, maki, california roll, seattle roll, something that looked like maki but was like 4 times bigger (is maki defined by size or not?)...
Even though I liked sushi and I am no longer frightened by the idea of raw meet in my food, I did not feel overwhelmed or amazed. Yes, it was pleasant, but it was not the greatest thing ever. Is that what losing one´s virginity should feel like?

neděle 13. listopadu 2011

Dinner ehm meetings

You have a really bad day, but you don´t wanna cancel, so you suck it up, make yourself presentable and try to look happy, friendly and easy-to-talk-to. Later you find yourself sitting at a table with a guy, who you maybe kinda like, eating dinner and you know that almost everything that comes out of your mouth is just wrong. You know that the other person is/will be reaching conclusions that are not only a far cry from the impression that you wanna make, but that these conclusions make you look like a completely different person, usually someone that you yourself would have hated. But somehow you just can´t help yourself.
I guess the good thing about this is that when the guy still wants to kiss you/make out/sleep with you, you know that he probably wasn´t really interested in who you are in the first place.

sobota 5. listopadu 2011

Don´t know how it works with other women, but I never understood why men think, that they can get you drunk and you will sleep with them. Women, or at least this one, know beforehand if it is a yes or a no.
Yes can be easily changed to no, but no stays no, no matter what.

úterý 1. listopadu 2011

Stavební spoření


Fenomén stavebního spoření je velmi rozšířený mezi českými rodinami. Ve většině případů mě známých rodiče/prarodiče našetřené peníze daly dětem/vnoučatům, aby "měly něco do začátku". Pak je ale také opačný případ, kdy rodiče uzavřou na děti smlouvy, ale berou peníze na účtu jako svoje. Dalo by se říct, že tak vlastně zneužijí jména svého dítěte k uzavření smlouvy a zároveň podvedou/podvedli stát, který chtěl vyplácet podporu pro každého jednotlivce se smlouvou, ale takhle vlastně nechtěně víckrát podpořil jednoho člověka-rodiče.
Pak jsou také případy, kde nejen, že rodiče peníze vezmou a utratí podle svého uvážení, ale vezmou si ještě na potomka půjčku. Což jde sice jen u dospělých potomků, kteří jsou k tomu svolní, ale dejte košem vlastním rodičům.. Argumenty typu: "rychle a řádně splacená půjčka bude skvělá položka v tvojí finanční historii a spíš ti někdy ještě půjčí, až to budeš potřebovat, takže ti vlastně pomáháme," a: "stejně ten dům jednou zdědíš," jsou ale stejně spíš výsměch.