When it comes to relationships, there are few rules that are to be followed. One of them is that if you date one guy and you break up, you don´t start dating his friend. But what if you were never really officially in a relationship with the first guy, what if they are not close friends but rather acquaintances, what if... Can you break a rule without being the bitch who walks over people?
On an unrelated note - is it ok to make a relationship prejudice based on past experience with a specimen of the kind? Like if you dated let´s say a guy who liked fishing and he hurt you in the end(let´s say with a fish hook), can you make a rule of not dating fishermen? Well, of course you can do that, but is it ok? Then what do you do when you meet a cute and witty guy who asks you out, but also likes fishing?
úterý 25. ledna 2011
pátek 21. ledna 2011
Trpěla jsem pocitem, že žít bez internetu je strašné utrpení. Proto si dovedete představit, jak mě zaskočilo, když se můj laptop rozhodnul úplně umřít. Po asi šestém pokusu o zapnutí a šestém setkání se s černou obrazovkou jsem snahu vzdala a zavolala příteli na telefonu, který měl ale čas na opravu až večer. A tak jsem byla odsouzena ke dni bez počítače.
Neb nemám jiný přehrávač hudby, než laptop, byla jsem nucela vytáhnout rádio a poslouchat celý den hudbu z něj. Což bylo ještě docela ok, vzhledem k existenci Rádia Beat.
Překvapilo mě, kolik věcí člověk stihne udělat, pokud neexistuje možnost jen tak odskočit k počítači. Kromě dokonalého úklidu svého pokoje jsem zvládla nastříhat pexeso, otřít listy kytkám, přišít několik knoflíků, několik hodin v kuse jsem četla(což se mi kupodivu poslední dobou vůbec nedařilo), uvařila jsem si teplé jídlo, roztřídila poznámky z dvou a půl let studia, vyluštila dvě křížovky... Den bez počítače tak nakonec měl velice pozitivní bilanci. Budu si ho muset udělat častěji!
Neb nemám jiný přehrávač hudby, než laptop, byla jsem nucela vytáhnout rádio a poslouchat celý den hudbu z něj. Což bylo ještě docela ok, vzhledem k existenci Rádia Beat.
Překvapilo mě, kolik věcí člověk stihne udělat, pokud neexistuje možnost jen tak odskočit k počítači. Kromě dokonalého úklidu svého pokoje jsem zvládla nastříhat pexeso, otřít listy kytkám, přišít několik knoflíků, několik hodin v kuse jsem četla(což se mi kupodivu poslední dobou vůbec nedařilo), uvařila jsem si teplé jídlo, roztřídila poznámky z dvou a půl let studia, vyluštila dvě křížovky... Den bez počítače tak nakonec měl velice pozitivní bilanci. Budu si ho muset udělat častěji!
úterý 11. ledna 2011
Never ever date a foreigner unless you are sure that(in this order):
-he wants to stay a while
-he has applied for the long-term visa(he won´t have to leave after 3 months and stay out of the country and the EU for the next 3 months)
-he is worth the increased risk of you getting hurt (and the ugly comments you get from people you meet)
Skipping steps number two and three is not worth it.
She's lonely
And he says
It's for her only
That he lusts
She doesn't trust him
Nothing is true
But he will do
-he wants to stay a while
-he has applied for the long-term visa(he won´t have to leave after 3 months and stay out of the country and the EU for the next 3 months)
-he is worth the increased risk of you getting hurt (and the ugly comments you get from people you meet)
Skipping steps number two and three is not worth it.
She's lonely
And he says
It's for her only
That he lusts
She doesn't trust him
Nothing is true
But he will do
pondělí 10. ledna 2011
pátek 7. ledna 2011
So I went out with M the other night. We were sitting at a table in a bar, talking about all sorts of random stuff. He has just started telling me a story when a group of three or four sits at the next table. One of them, a Czech, a guy, stops M in the middle of a sentence and starts giving him shit about how being a foreigner does not mean he is cool and how he should not be talking, but rather listening to me, to what I say. (Just to be clear, we were having a normal conversation, he was just telling a story and there was no reason to interfere. Even if there were, it still would not be any of his business, but there wasn´t.)
The comments of that guy make me so pissed that I want to leave. M goes to pay the bill by the bar. I am sitting at the table, alone for a moment. The Czech guy starts offering me drinks. I send him to hell. I leave with M.
Yes, that guy was a random jerk. Yes, I should not care about any of that. But it got me pissed and sad and depressed. I started looking at everything with scepticism and disbelief. Now I feel like I am tired and do not want to stay in a thing that I did not even define. I am not sure if it is just being sad and it will pass or if it will linger. Hmm.
The comments of that guy make me so pissed that I want to leave. M goes to pay the bill by the bar. I am sitting at the table, alone for a moment. The Czech guy starts offering me drinks. I send him to hell. I leave with M.
Yes, that guy was a random jerk. Yes, I should not care about any of that. But it got me pissed and sad and depressed. I started looking at everything with scepticism and disbelief. Now I feel like I am tired and do not want to stay in a thing that I did not even define. I am not sure if it is just being sad and it will pass or if it will linger. Hmm.
neděle 2. ledna 2011
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