středa 23. března 2011

Decision to start jogging every day was definitely the right one. It might actually solve all my problems, from insomnia to low blood pressure and fatigue. But I should have started slowly. After jogging every day for four days, my legs are sore and I can barely walk without looking like a crippled person.. Even though waking up an hour early just to go jogging before leaving to spend the whole day at the lab, made me feel like the hip modern woman who does it all. I want to experience that feeling again, but I should probably wait for my (almost non-existent) muscles to heal.

4 komentáře:

Andy řekl(a)...

Running every day is not ideal, especially if you're just starting. The sudden over-stressing of legs may quickly lead to injuries. Beware!

Also, do you have proper running shoes? Those are essential for longterm injury-free running.

Unknown řekl(a)...

What would you recommend?

Andy řekl(a)...

In terms of running shoes? Go to the physical store of and have your feet analysed. That is essential because then you know in which of three categories, based on your running style, you should be picking shoes.

Once you figured out whether you need shoes for stability, support or just the neutral ones(those are the three categories), you should try out some of the shoes they have there. Once you find ones that you like, remember their name and leave (unless you want to pay 4000 Kc for your shoes).

Go to or any other U.S. site and find these shoes. Then you can use to have them sent to you (you can also tell me which ones you like and I will buy them for you). Even with shipping you'll most likely save 30-50%.

Don't underestimate this process, getting the right shoe is the most important part of running.

K řekl(a)...

This all seems too sophisticated:-D Maybe you could recommend some kind of schedule and I will promise to get proper running shoes in few weeks time when I am sure that I have found a running style and know what kind of shoes I want..(Is there some kind of generally-ok shoes that I can purchase before I move on to the analysis of my feet?:-))