I got bored and started counting.
There are 181 059 people between ages 20 and 29 in the city of Prague.
Of those 48.69% are men - 88 150.
Of those 86,3745% are Czechs = 76 139.
Of those approximately 92% are straight - 70 047.
Of those 1401 are slightly less intelligent, equally intelligent or more intelligent than I am (give or take).
If I take into account that he should probably be older and reduce this further to the 25-29 box, we are at 778 men.
Of those I probably know like a 100 and I have probably met like a 150 more, which would bring me to 528.
528 might seem like a high number, but that does not even include that he should not be a prick (we are probably down to like 50), he should not be a smoker, I guess he should not be plain ugly and he should definitely be single. In the end, there are probably 4 or 5 possible matches.
Which does not leave me with too many options:
1) find one of those 4 or 5 guys
2) I have already met the guy and I am just to ignorant to notice
3) I should become a lesbian
4) I should give up at least a few of the criteria
In the end, I am pretty sure that I will just do what I always do. Meet a guy, feel my brain melt, start ignoring all the red flags and get my heart broken:-)
For the record - I am not desperate, I am just trying to do anything but my thesis.
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