pondělí 29. října 2012

Not that I don't have dilemmas (moral or other). Not that they aren't more visible on my face than I think they are. Not that I don't behave oddly when I think about them. But I am always startled when I find out that my view/memory/perception of an evening is so completely different, if not opposite, from what others thought I was experiencing.
Just when I thought I was finally aware of how I seem to other people, I stand corrected.

neděle 28. října 2012

I love science

Until August, I wasn't entirely certain that I had made the right choice after high school. Was molecular biology and science in general the thing to do in life? Was it a good fit for me?
Now I know that it would have been a mistake if I had chosen anything else.
Solving little puzzles every day and hopefully solving some bigger ones in the long term is just what I need. Learning new things, trying to understand the way stuff works, combining different approaches and methods to broaden the knowledge... So far it's just my knowledge that is being broadened, but hopefully that will change sometime soon. Add a lot of coffee, a lot of time and energy and a serious lack of sleep and it basically gives you the idea about what I have been doing lately.

pátek 26. října 2012

Prostřeno je peklo

Jak asi mnoho lidí ví, mám sklony ke kompulzivnímu sledování seriálů. You name it, I have seen it (almost). Ve chvíli slabosti jsem vygooglovala pořad Prostřeno. Babička mi o něm kdysi říkala a děsně se jí to líbilo. Tak jsem to zkusila. Ó, můj bože!
Pořad je založený na tom, že každý týden je skupina pěti lidí, kteří se navzájem navštěvují na večeři a pak se navzájem hodnotí. Pominu-li, že reálně existuje čas, kdy hosté mají "šmejdit" a hodnotit, je ten případ krásnou ukázkou lidské hlouposti.
Obzvlášť vynikající je, když se vyloženě hloupí lidé snaží najít fiktivní důvody, proč dávají jinému soutěžícímu málo bodů. Peroxidová blondýna, čtyřicítka, v domácnosti, hrdě nosící tank tops, postupně zjišťuje, že nejí vůbec nic jiného, než to, co vaří ona sama. Při střelbě ze vzduchovky trefí sama sebe. Nevyhovuje jí zábava, protože očekávala, "že bysme si mohli zahrát Člověče, nezlob se." Opilec, který má problém artikulovat, říká o dýňové polévce, že: "to čekal takové šťavnatější, že ne dýně, je normální člověk, když se postavíte, vlastně máte strašidla, takže vlastně ta polívka mi připadala jako strašidla." Ach jo..

sobota 13. října 2012

The MBTI system

Striving to understand how human psyche works and why different people see things differently I enrolled in an MBTI course. Basically the system classifies people according to their natural preferences into 16 types. There are four basic dichotomies - extroverted/introverted, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, judging/perceiving. The names for each of these are kind of misleading, since some come from Jung and differ from our understanding of what for example intuition is. If you would like to read more on the issue, google it:-) Wikipedia page also gives some basic idea.
Finding out what your type is should help you understand why you see things the way you do and why others might see them differently. MBTI describes just inborn preferences, one may be trained to behave like the opposite type - for example people without the natural tendency to plan may be brought up by their parents to plan extensively etc.
I am still not entirely sure how close is the MBTI to science and how much to astrology, however the results make sense and it seems logical that people can be divided into types based on how they think and what they do. Which is why I am inclined to believe the former.
It was interesting to see, how other people look at things and what may come natural to them.
Now that I know my type, what's next? Probably keeping calm and carrying on:-)