Lately, efficient use of my time seems to be on my mind a lot. There always seems to be a lack of time for the things that are essential for my life to move forward. Somehow every little waste of time combined with every interesting article read, video watched or game played happen to use up hours, days, even months and in effect prevent me from doing what I want.
I realize that I wrote that I am prevented from achieving my goals, when, really, it is my decision. I am the one who chooses what to do with my time. For one reason or another it is so easy to let time slip through one´s fingers and it is even easier to feel like it is beyond one´s control.
The weirdest paradox of it all is that when I am being paid to spend my time doing a job, however stupid a job, however miserable a salary, I would never be able to waste that time even in the slightest. But when it comes to using my own time wisely, I am at a loss. In a way, I am my own´s worst employee.
čtvrtek 31. května 2012
středa 9. května 2012
The Really Bad Kisser
Honestly, I used to think that they were an urban legend. Somehow, it did not seem likely that there could be people whose kiss would be disgusting. I mean, if they were attractive and have not just finished blue cheese garlic sandwich topped with a cigarette of course..
Well, I was wrong. As I discovered about a year and a half ago, there is at least one such specimen in the city of Prague. I still do not know how someone could lack such a simple basic instinct and/or brains to make it at least to the not-great-but-acceptable box. What confuses me even more, is that he thought he could ask me out again a year and a half later (is he not able to take a hint or is there an expiration date on hints?). Yes, he was unforgettable, but not in a good way. Is it possible, heaven forbid, that there are more guys like him?!
Well, I was wrong. As I discovered about a year and a half ago, there is at least one such specimen in the city of Prague. I still do not know how someone could lack such a simple basic instinct and/or brains to make it at least to the not-great-but-acceptable box. What confuses me even more, is that he thought he could ask me out again a year and a half later (is he not able to take a hint or is there an expiration date on hints?). Yes, he was unforgettable, but not in a good way. Is it possible, heaven forbid, that there are more guys like him?!
úterý 1. května 2012
Intelektuálka v domácnosti
Před nedávnem jsem zametala podlahu a nějak mě zaujal prach a jeho neustálý vznik zánikem. Což vedlo k úvaze o tom, že se všechno rozmělňuje a rozpadá na menší a menší částečky a časem ztrácí barvy, šedne. Že konečný stav všech věcí je šedý prach. A že tím, jak ho ze svých příbytků, ze svého okolí, neustále vymetáme a vyhazujeme na skládky, jakobychom se snažili vytěsnit tuhle informaci ze svého vědomí. Že možnost prach vyhodit do koše a nechat ho odvézt někam pryč, je vlastně příznačná pro náš postoj ke stáří, k rozpadu, ke konci - nechceme ho vidět, nechceme o něm vědět..
Pak jsem si uvědomila, že jsem přestala zametat, nařídila si přestat přemýšlet o nesmrtelnosti chrousta a dokončila úklid.
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