pondělí 3. září 2012

When you break up with a boy, you tell other people that "you broke up." When you have an argument with a friend, you tell mere acquaintances that "you had an exchange of opinions and possibly some differences" but you do not go into details. When your supervisor does not respond to most of your questions and does not meet the deadlines that she sets out for herself, you still write a thank you into the acknowledgement section of your thesis. And then you read her assessment of your thesis saying that you should get an A, but since you did not send her a solid draft of your thesis till a day before the deadline (not true) and still expected her to make comments and remarks (definitely not true), you acted really unprofessionally and you should get a B. Then, you think about the age-old dilemma: should I take it and make my life easier or should I fight it?

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