čtvrtek 31. ledna 2013

Passionate times

January has been a cold month of hot passion. I mean politics, naturally. If the Czech presidential election has been successful in one thing, it would be involving the public. Usually, people don't care much for politics and only few want to discuss it. Every minister, PM, MP is deemed a criminal and no-one believes it can ever change. So why bother.
But in this month even those uninterested suddenly found themselves discussing who is the best candidate, what are the flaws of his opponent(s) and what should be the decisive factors. As the campaign escalated and the first round narrowed the selection to just two candidates, things really started heating up. Are you team Zeman or team Schwarzenberg?...
The election is now over and two trends have appeared - those who want harmony, avoid further discussing politics since it brings only the opposite and demand the same of others, and those who just wouldn't stop. I am a member of the second half. Maybe because I am not able to accept that Mr Schwarzenberg has lost the election. Or maybe, because being political comes natural to me and I don't think that it should be limited to the pre-election hotheadedness. I believe in a more involved society. Yes, I am aware that a significant part of people thinks that obnoxious. But I don't see why keeping your mouth shut and carrying on should be deemed virtuous.

středa 23. ledna 2013

Don't you just want to share your life with someone? Does the solitary life make you happy? Tough questions especially when the good guy combined them with the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.
Just a few years back, it was ok to do stupid stuff, make bad choices, fall for jerks and avoid relationships. But maybe, it has become a habit.
I have spent a lot of time persuading my emotions to stay hidden and to let reason decide, then I have spent a lot of time learning to listen to emotions and realizing that it's ok to act based on them, when it comes to relationships. Now, I am at square one all over again. Should I do the adult thing or let my need to start running away take over? Which is the reasonable and which is the emotional thing to do? In a time when I should (finally) start moving from childhood to adulthood in many aspects, relationships should probably be one of those aspects. I know that to make the right choices I need to answer those two questions honestly. But every time I think about them I am clueless.

neděle 13. ledna 2013

People (and especially people I know) like to think that they are different than the rest. They have their unique way of thinking, their own opinions, conclusions, behaviour.. Yet from time to time, there are moments when a majority reacts in the same way with the same sentiment. It always scares me a little bit. Even those that are proud to be independent individuals become a crowd and reconfirm their opinion through the same sentiments around them. Don't get me wrong, I am probably no different. The question on my mind is: isn't it just our pride that makes us think that we are independent brainiacs, when in reality we are just a herd of sheep that has seen a wolf and we all instinctively run in the opposite direction?