úterý 5. února 2013

A Cloud

Things change and you almost become a productive optimist with a positive outlook on life. But nah, who were you kidding, you will always be the kid in black, listening to Depeche Mode or The Cure. Or is it just a short-timed lapse?
When we have a lot going on, there is hardly any time to stop to think. But when we occasionally do, what if in one case out of a hundred the thoughts turn dark and we feel like what we want in life, who we want to be is just out of our grasp. Does that happen to everyone from time to time? Is doubting ourselves a part of being human or are there people who never doubt what they've done or what they want or if they are capable of getting it?
Thank god, I am just about snapping out of this winter blues.

Note: Depeche Mode will always be awesome.
Note no.2: Why is it winter blues and not winter greys?

1 komentář:

Unknown řekl(a)...

It does happen to everyone. If not, I guess we are special, in an unfortunately uncool way. I doubt that, though, because, you know, remember that you are unique, just like everyone else ;-)