pondělí 23. prosince 2013

In-a-relationship personality

Relationships change us in several ways.
First is the change from a single person to a in-relationship person. It's not just in a name, but most importantly in the smell of the rose. You behave and think differently. You do different activities. You realize that for years of short relationships you have never really been in any one of them. Because this change has never taken place, because real closeness has never developed, because you didn't let it. And at the same time you are not entirely certain which you you liked more. But "the current's too overpowering; you don't have any choice...Danger may be lurking there, something that may end up wounding you deeply, fatally. You might end up losing everything. But there's no turning back. You can only go with the flow.." Should you regret changing or embrace it?
And then there are other changes. In tiny bits you start using the other person's language and a manner of expressing himself. You start prioritizing slightly different things, solving problems in a slightly different manner, communicating differently with your friends... You don't even realize at first, but in time you begin to see it. The relationship is changing you ever so slightly. And again the same question arises - where do I stop being me?

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