sobota 14. ledna 2012

On My Bookshelf

It seems that books are accumulating these days, at least as far as my humble library is concerned. Apart from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which is obviously a famous bestseller that I never would have consented to reading had it not been for my mother´s recommendation (and my mother does not recommend books not worth one´s time), there are a few others. Like the new Murakami book 1Q84 that comes highly appraised or Wuthering Heights which I bought in an antique shop. Unwisely so, since I spent the next 6 hours doing the Christmas shopping with several books in my handbag (one for reading on the subway, few I bought in the antique shop, one that I borrowed from the city library because of an exam...). In the end quite a painful experience.
Anyway since I have finished The Widdow for One Year by John Irving, I should have been focused on reading articles on virology and polyomaviruses. Instead, I am increasing the numbers of fiction on my shelves. And I am not even able to get to those since I am going to work almost every day.. An intellectual´s hell.

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