čtvrtek 1. prosince 2011

Working in the Office

Though it seems like the easiest job there is, working at reception is nowhere near undemanding. I used to think that all receptionists care about is looking pretty, which includes, but is not limited to, doing their nails while on the job. As it turns out, I could not have been further from the truth (at least when it comes to my employer).
After a while of working for the company, it sometimes becomes difficult to keep it together. Especially when one is extensively criticised for every tiny mistake or even the impression of a mistake or even when one just does the job right but doesn´t use the right words, when talking about it, which might possibly lead someone to the conclusion that one did not do it 100% right. I used to think that I was constantly overthinking everything, now it seems I am not thinking enough.
On the bright side - the pressure that forces everyone at work to deal with the problems instead of avoiding them, teaches me how to do the same. Maybe sometime in the near future, I will know how to work at a relationship (of any kind), so that I don´t end up pretending that other ppl´s flaws imperfections don´t exist/I don´t mind them even when I do.

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